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The Listen(n) Project engages in field research, field recording (using ambisonic recording technology) and other forms of data collection and analysis.

The Listen(n) team has developed new technologies. These include a virtual reality Oculus Rift headset that provides sharable and distributable audio-visual National Park experiences. Full 360 spherical images and ambisonically recorded sounds are combined so that the user can experience the environment as if truly present in a landscape. The Listen(n) Project has also developed a GPS-tracked app that can layer the recorded sound fields from National Parks on other walking routes around the world.

The Listen(n) project engages in crucial humanities-based questions related to environmental sound, listening, and notions of presence and embodiment within the landscapes of National Parks in the American Southwest.

Listen(n) explores the role and function of sound for a deeper understanding for how communities of listeners engage their connection to place.