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Sonic Events

Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:37:00 +0000
Location: Jornada Experimental Range
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This recording contains a good sample of the different calls from a variety of birds and some small movements by small animals. The bird calls vary in proximity to the microphone and they are sporadic through the section marked - some calls occurring more frequently at times. The sounds of the movement by the animals are very brief, lasting only about a second. The sounds are more of swift passes through shrubbery creating a quick “brushing” sound.
start end tags notes
00:05:50.277 [pop]
00:09:17.857 [sharp] [chirp]
00:09:52.550 [movement] [from] [small] [animal] [shrubbery] [brief] [animal] [movement]
00:22:55.352 [bird] [calls] [distant] [bird] [calls] [chirping] [squawking] Many different birds beginning calling sporadically throughout this section of the recording, some much closer than others in proximity to the microphone
00:12:19.173 [vehicle] [sounds]
00:12:52.872 [pop] [bird] [chirping] Microphone pop and simultaneously a bird chirps
00:13:26.687 [small] [animal] [brief] [movement] [brushing] [shrubbery]
00:19:04.171 [small] [animal] [brief] [movement] [brushing] [shrubbery]