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Sonic Events

Thu, 22 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Mojave Desert Preserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording exhibits the silent landscape of the Mojave Desert at night. Very minimal sonic events happen during this recording, the most notable of which being an airplane flying overhead. Sporadically throughout the recording small birds begin chirping and at a couple points near the end of the recording, larger birds flapping their wings become an brief sonic characteristic to the recording.
start end tags notes
00:07:59.036 [wildlife] [cheep] [bird] [call]
00:08:28.458 [wind] [nature] [strong] [gust] Unique sounding gust of wind
00:10:07.387 [wind] [nature] [quick] [breeze]
00:22:59.300 [wildlife] [bird] [calling] [chirping] [cheeping] [cheep] Small bird chirping sporadically throughout this section
00:18:09.593 [pop]
00:24:25.365 [airplane]
00:43:45.168 [insect] [fly] [buzzing]
01:24:05.238 [pop] Microphone pop's three times
01:25:07.634 [wildlife] [bird] [calls] [distant] [chirping]
01:25:56.718 [small] [bird] [wildlife] [flapping] [wings] [bird] [calls]
01:26:28.241 [flapping] [wings] [wildlife] [movement]
01:31:06.473 [footsteps] [sand] [crunching] [microphone] [clipping]