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Sonic Events

Mon, 06 Nov 2017 18:23:00 +0000
Location: Andes Chile
GPS: S33.18573 W70.27033
Altitude: 1218m
Author: Cornelius Pöpel
Mic: Soundfield sps200
Secondary Author: Luisa Filip. This recording was taken in a park into which a mountain river flows at a central point. We went away from the river up to the hills to search for a good recording spot with less water noise. On one side the mountain continued to rise, on the other side one looked in to the river valley. Sounds are mainly birds (while a very special bird sound is heard at 15:50), and the water. There were no people. The watersounds of the river unfortunately cover several sounds in nature but within our time frame we had no opportunity to search for a better spot.
start end tags notes
00:24:03.000 [water] [noise] [birds] Full Recording
00:16:00.000 [bird] [call] Special bird call