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Sonic Events

Thu, 22 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording starts right away with an amazing eagle call. The call repeats every 7-10 seconds. The call is varies in dynamics, is raspy, and may sound a bit like a baying horse sometimes. The microphone was not held steady and bumps and taps can be heard randomly throughout the 2 minute recording. The eagle is not the only bird featured in this recording. There are various squawks and chirps that can be heard alongside the eagle. Also, as in many of the other recordings, a bug flies around the microphone and wind blows. It can be a bit distracting from the eagle call itself.
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00:02:08.000 [wildlife] [eagle] [call] [caw] [raspy] [bug] [insect] [fly] [buzzing] [wind]
Wed, 21 May 2014 12:37:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file contains an interesting pattern of events. Looking at the events that are marked, there is a somewhat repetitive composition to the events in the recording. First there is a plane, the microphone pops, some breezes blow through the scene, the microphone pops again, another plane flies overhead, a strong breeze passes through and then finally we end with another plane making its way into the sonic field. All while there is a fly that seems to linger around in-between each event, somehow not making its presence during the noted events.
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00:05:22.496 [wildlife] [eagle] [call] [distant] [bird] [call]
Wed, 21 May 2014 12:34:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This recording is rich with sonic events! An eagle calls ten times throughout the recording, a fly buzzes around the microphone for the duration of the recording, and there is another sort of buzzing right towards the end which sounds much heavier than coming from a fly.
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00:02:30.989 [insects] [wildlife] [eagle] [call] [buzzing] [fly] [airplane]
Wed, 21 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording has on a few sonic events. However, there are some amazing eagle calls that are quite close to the microphone. There is a squawking bird that begins to call around the 7 minute mark and shortly after an eagle gives around 10 screeching calls before flying off in the distance and it stops calling.
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00:11:30.634 [bird] [of] [prey] [wildlife] [footsteps] [bird] [call] [squawk] [eagle] [call] Very close squawker and eagle calling, progressively get further away.
Sat, 28 Sep 2024 01:29:42 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Zoom H2N
This is a very noisy recording. There are many odd sounds such as clacking, birds coo-ing, whistles, and a pesky bug that flies around consistently throughout the entire recording. At the end of the recording, there is a description of the scene and that the time is 12:51 PM.
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00:05:52.601 [wildlife] [caw] [eagle] [call] [bird]
00:11:41.143 [eagle] [wildlife] [bird] [call] [caw]