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Sonic Events

Mon, 19 May 2014 11:38:00 +0000
Location: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200
This recording contains a plethora of bird calls which are consistent throughout most of the recording. The other sonic events of this recording include sounds of motor vehicles as they pass through the scene, a few instances of insects buzzing by the microphone, and winds occasionally blowing around twigs and dried shrubbery.
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00:06:47.374 [faint] [vehicle] [sounds]
Fri, 16 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Mojave Desert Preserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording contains a wind sound scape with plenty of wildlife activity. Sporadically throughout, new birds chime in to the recording and gives their unique calls for a few minutes at a time. Needless to say the wind overpowers most of the bird calls as most of the birds are usually off in to the distance. There a couple of instances in where wildlife movement becomes audible. This events are quite brief however, but they depict the dry dessert landscape.
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00:10:15.710 [faint] [bird] [calls]
Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:21:00 +0000
Location: Organ Pipe Cactus National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This recording is very uneventful. The sound of wind, cars, birds and squeaking remain constant throughout the entire recording. There is a popping sound that begins at about 5 minutes and is random until the end of the recording. Also, a bug seems to be very interested in the microphone and makes frequent visits. There are some unique bird calls that I have noted that stand out from the others.
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00:05:34.884 [faint] [pattering]
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:19:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file contains an abundance of wildlife activity. The beginning 2.5 minutes there is a truck passing through the scene and clears the sonic environment at about the 2:27 mark. The author of the recording notes that ambisonics were being recorded on channels 1-4 and MS on channels 5-6 (although the files in this database have been split). From about the 5:45 mark to about the 9:45 mark (about 4 minutes) there are continuous bird calls with very slight variation from the birds; most calls are very distant. There is a noticeable, but gradual, change in the calls between a few birds starting at the 2:25 mark until about the 5:45 mark. After this point, the bird that was calling closer to microphone quiets down and is not present in the space from then on. A notable point in the recording is the entrance of a crow-sounding bird that comes in around the 10:13 mark in the recording. The timbre of the crow's voice and its call is noticeably different from the rest of the birds in this scene.
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00:11:57.330 [brief] [human] [movement] [footsteps] [faint] [crunching] [gravel]
Sun, 09 Mar 2014 18:17:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This was recorded at 6:18 PM on 9 March as the sun was going down. The file contains a good amount of birds (and at some points insects) chirping and calling. Almost all of the bird sounds are very far off in the distance and have a small characteristics to their timbre. However, the bird sounds do move around in the stereo field at some points and create an interesting sense of space. There are also some nice gusts of wind throughout the recording as well as very, very faint sounds of cars that are virtually inaudible without proper headphones.
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00:03:16.000 [wildlife] [faint] [bird] [call] [chirping] faint chirping from a new bird or insect
00:05:17.000 [wildlife] [faint] [birds] [chirping]
00:09:05.500 [faint] [wind] [nature]
00:11:29.500 [faint] [gusts] [nature] [wind] two gusts of wind, still quite faint sounding
00:12:55.130 [faint] [strong] [gust] [nature] [wind] faint, continuous sounds of wind and a strong gust of wind around 11:58
00:15:21.500 [faint] [human] [vehicle] [sounds]
00:16:20.000 [wildlife] [faint] [bird] [call] [chirping] [cheep] the bird calls are mostly in the left channel and come closer
00:17:35.255 [faint] [nature] [wind]