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Sonic Events

Fri, 19 Jan 2018 15:45:00 +0000
Location: Vogelfreistaette Flachwasser
GPS: N49.846 E10.4219
Altitude: 411m
Author: Luisa Filip
Mic: Soundfield sps200
Secondary Author: Lucas Schmidt. This recording was taken on one of the walking paths on Vogelinsel (Bird Island) at the Altmühlsee (Lake) in Germany, which is a nature reserve. The microphone was mounted on a stand. On both sides of the path is water, behind there is a small pond and in front of the mic-direction a big lake. All around this, there are other small islands. This time there was one species of bird, goose, that was pretty dominant. Also this time there were lots of helicopters from the US Station near Anbach flying above the island. In contrast of the last recordings, this time the impression of the soundscape after sunset didn't increase but became more quiet and the volume level decreased. Far away traffic sounds from the streets and village nearby those as church bells were also heard.
start end tags notes
02:00:00.000 [helicopter] [traffic] [noise] [human] [bird] [goose] Full Recording