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Sonic Events

Wed, 21 May 2014 12:37:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file contains an interesting pattern of events. Looking at the events that are marked, there is a somewhat repetitive composition to the events in the recording. First there is a plane, the microphone pops, some breezes blow through the scene, the microphone pops again, another plane flies overhead, a strong breeze passes through and then finally we end with another plane making its way into the sonic field. All while there is a fly that seems to linger around in-between each event, somehow not making its presence during the noted events.
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00:01:56.888 [airplane] [subtle] [human] [movement]
Wed, 21 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording does not contain any major sonic events. Through the entire recording there are multiple flies buzzing around the microphone.
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00:03:12.831 [footsteps] [gravel] [crunching] [subtle] [winds]
Fri, 16 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Mojave Desert Preserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording contains a wind sound scape with plenty of wildlife activity. Sporadically throughout, new birds chime in to the recording and gives their unique calls for a few minutes at a time. Needless to say the wind overpowers most of the bird calls as most of the birds are usually off in to the distance. There a couple of instances in where wildlife movement becomes audible. This events are quite brief however, but they depict the dry dessert landscape.
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00:11:20.798 [subtle] [wildlife] [movement]
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:16:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file is mostly another wind soundscape sample. There are plenty of instances when the breeze is a little bit stronger and pieces of equipment become audible. Perhaps the most exciting event is when for a very brief second, at the 2:30 mark, a fly buzzes across the microphones from right to left.
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00:02:43.245 [little] [squeaks] [canteen] [subtle] [human] [movement] [strong] [breeze]
00:03:45.982 [subtle] [human] [movements] [crunching] [gravel] [rocks]
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:55:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file contains plenty of breeze-filled moments as well as a plethora of microphone clicks. There are four instances when an airplane flies through the scene. The first instance is quite noticeable, whereas the second instance, the plane is at a further distance and it is merely recognized as a humming that fluctuates in proximity and sounds very similar to a motorcycle or vehicle of some sort. During the third and fourth instances, perhaps the same one as the previous two, there is a long gust of wind that is consistent for a little more than two minutes. This breeze and plane create an interesting atmosphere while the breeze passes very closely to the microphones.
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00:15:52.816 [subtle] [human] [movements]
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:27:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
There are two main events in this file. There is an airplane that passes overhead, entering at the :40 second mark and exiting around the 3:30 mark. The second major event is a large gust of wind that passes through the scene. This breeze moves the shrubbery around and the leaves and sticks brushing against each other become subtlety audible.
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00:00:30.000 [brief] [human] [movement] [subtle] [clicks]
00:02:57.000 [subtle] [brief] [human] [movement] [wildlife] [distant] [bird] [calls] [breeze] [shrubbery] You can hear some of the shrubbery moving around as this breeze is passing by.
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:56:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This file contains a steady ambience of talking birds in the distance. There are a few instances where the microphone is bumped and/or pops as well as some instances of brief shuffling or rummaging. One notable instance of a bird call is at the 2:20 mark. A bird is relatively close to the microphone and has a distinct screeching call. The bird only cries out twice within a 10 second time span.
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00:09:58.831 [subtle] [brief] [human] [movement] [footsteps]