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Sonic Events

Wed, 21 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Joshua Tree National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording does not contain any major sonic events. Through the entire recording there are multiple flies buzzing around the microphone.
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00:03:12.831 [footsteps] [gravel] [crunching] [subtle] [winds]
Sun, 18 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Death Valley National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H2N
There are only a few events during this recording. For about 25 minutes there is sprinkler that moves around the scene and at some points the microphone clips from the sprinkler's water. The majority of the recording is wind blowing throughout the scene. At some points the breezes are stronger than at other points, yet wind is consistently present. The microphone either clips or pops a number of times during the recording and all of which have been marked.
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00:48:28.266 [nature] [strong] [wind] [breeze] [distant] [winds] Consistent winds through out the recording
Sun, 16 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Organ Pipe Cactus National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H6
This recording contains a massive sample of wind fluctuating through the landscape and cacti. There are some very strong winds which cause the microphone to clip at times, and there also some very peaceful wind samples that blow around dried leaves, sticks and cacti spines creating an interesting sonic texture. There are also a few instances about halfway through the recording when a wonderful songbird belts out a few tunes.
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01:06:58.670 [wind] [nature] [strong] [winds] [mild] [winds] [breeze] [howling] [wind] [gusts] [of] [wind] Wind
Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:25:00 +0000
Location: Organ Pipe Cactus National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This track was recorded on March 15, 2014 at 1:27 PM with an ambisonic mic in the middle of an organ pipe cactus. This is a recording in ambisonic A format and MS Schoeps. This recording is mostly wind with faint bird chirping scattered throughout. There is human movement and talking at the beginning as the author sets the scene. There are both large gusts of wind and deep rumbles of wind that sound as if it is thunder, or wind brushing against a microphone.
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00:25:02.000 [consistent] [winds] [large] [gust] [breeze] [heavy] [wind] This recording contains consistent winds that vary in size, strength and proximity to the microphone
Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Organ Pipe Cactus National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Leah Barclay
Mic: Zoom H6
This file contains a large sample of the wind whistling through Organ Pipe Cacti. There are a plethora of instances when the microphone clips from strong winds passing through, all of which have be tagged microphone clipping. There are also some brief instances of birds calling and chirping in the distance.
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00:30:36.798 [strong] [winds] [cacti] [nature] [organ] [pipe] [swishing]
Sun, 09 Mar 2014 18:45:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This recording is predominately a wind sound scape. There are a few breezes that graze the microphone; a gust of wind that creates a deep bass tone; and towards the end of the recording there are a few birds chirping in the distance.
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00:02:39.955 [nature] [wind] [small] [breeze] [windscape]